Sunday, March 4, 2012

Today's lesson: if you build it, he will come...

Since temporarily retiring from teaching pre-k, I have been devoting every waking and sleeping minute to my son in hopes that I am teaching him physical, emotional, social, and cognitive fundamentals in hopes that one day he will be a contributing member of society and more of a positive influence than a pain in society's butt. As my son has grown, I have watched other babies younger and older grow...amazed that my itty bitty is now almost a toddler, but I am also finding myself inadvertently comparing...not in a competitive way, but moreso in an "should my little guy be doing that too?" way, and as more and more babies his age do things with great efficiency that he has even begun to do yet and as younger ones master skills he has no interest in, my mantra of "each baby is different and does things when they're ready in their own time" somehow seems insufficient. Today I was reminded that all the cruising, singing, conversing, crawling, climbing, eating, playing, and all the other things I'm forgetting about right now are laying foundations to what will eventually become a walking, talking, and sociable little person. If I build it, he will come...

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